In October and November 2015 we wrote about the FCC proposal, which required manufacturers to lock down routers to prevent modifications, and the consequent debate on the web. During the FCC comment period, the SAVE WIFI coalition was created by organizations and professionals to fight this major security and privacy threat and protect the users’ freedom.
In our last blog post about this, we told you about the FCC publicly stating that flashing hardware wasn’t a problem: “The rule is not intended to prevent or inhibit modification of any other software or firmware in the device, such as software modifications to improve performance, configure RF networks or improve cyber security.”
Unfortunately some vendors, including TP-Link, announced that they were going to lock down their router firmware for new models despite the FCC unequivocally denying that this was their intention.
Tanaza supports the SAVE WIFI campaign. We encourage you to do the same, and keep an eye on the website for future updates.