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Traits to Look for in a Cloud Provider


 If you are thinking of trying out the cloud for your business or are entering the cloud market, there are some suggestions to keep in mind when looking for a provider.  Cloud computing is a software application allows you to access your files and data from any device, anywhere.  So the person or company you entrust to handle your sensitive data better be the right fit.


Managing Energy in Cloud Computing

Think of all the photos being uploaded on Facebook daily (100 million), or the many data files needing to be recorded digitally and stored somewhere, and the gaming and video streaming. All of these actions take electricity, power, and consumption.  While “being green” is nothing new, being green in the IT sector is a whole other story.  With the advent of cloud computing and major technological advances, managing energy consumption and efficiency is becoming a concern among professionals.  Many companies like to boast about their sustainability incentives and letting their consumers know they are environmentally responsible. But being green isn’t just about saving the world, it can also save you money.
