How to create a profitable business in the Social Wi-Fi space
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Become a partner: generate revenue streams, reduce costs and get high margins
Tanaza partner program brings matchless benefits for reseller partners.
- Margins; about 50% of the revenue for the sole software + margin on additional services
- Low hardware costs: Tanaza supported APs start from 19$.
- Low up-front costs: Tanaza doesn’t charge you in the trial period (unlimited APs and connected clients) so you can make tens of demos to your prospects without spending a dollar
- Fast go-to-market: start selling Wi-Fi even before paying!
James paid only 117$ to buy the hardware and start a business with Tanaza in the social Wi-Fi space.
He recovered the up-front investment in only one month and got 4,927 $ margin in his first year with Tanaza, with 21 APs in total. He generated more than $ 6,600 of recurring yearly revenues.
He sells his services to the existing customer base and promotes products through word of mouth, that’s because his cost to acquire customers is near to zero.
His revenue streams are recurring, and the margin will grow and grow in the next years (he estimates to deploy 250 APs). He dedicates about one hour a week to the Wi-Fi management (sometimes, even less!), and his customers are happy.
WiFi-related services such as e-mail marketing to Wi-Fi clients are increasing his revenues.
Revenue and margin
If James has 100 APs at the end of the second year and deploys a total of 250 APs in 3 years, his revenue from WiFi will be about 120K $ (about 100K $ of yearly recurring revenues), costs about 45K $, margin about 75K $.
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