Tanaza Classic Blog
Read about our latest product announcements and Wi-Fi industry updates
The brand new Linksys MU-MIMO Wi-Fi line-up
Linksys announces the expansion of its...
Access Point, Repeater and Extender
Some of you want to know if Tanaza supports...
The potential of Facebook’s ‘2G Tuesdays’ initiative
With the purpose of better understanding its...
Fast Internet access for NYC’s Wi-Fi hungry consumers
As New York is continuing to find new ways to...
New supported TP-Link APs
The TP-Link supported access point list is growing quickly!
Lithuania dominates public Wi-Fi in 2015
According to a survey published by Rotten...
4 tips to speed up the Wi-Fi at your store
In this blog post Tanaza provides you with 4 suggestions on how to speed up the Wi-Fi connection in your store.
Wi-Fi email marketing: the Tanaza Mailchimp Connector
The Mailchimp Connector allows you to automatically add any new email addresses gathered through the Tanaza Wi-Fi Splash Page to a MailChimp list, and send or trigger e-mails and campaigns.
What’s new – Facebook Policies
Over the past months, Facebook has introduced new policies and controls to help users get more out of Facebook. Tanaza worked hard on ways to improve the user experience and meet all applicable laws and regulations, including the Facebook Platform Policies.
France will NOT ban public Wi-Fi
To prevent further acts of terrorism...
Wi-Fi hotspot market is expected to reach $3.3 Billion by 2020
According to a report by ResearchAndMarkets, it is anticipated that within the next five years the CAGR of the Wi-Fi hotspot market will boost to approximately $3.3 billion.
Popular devices used when accessing Wireless Internet
Whether it is to access Wi-Fi at home or...
Demand for in-store Wi-Fi in the retail sector
As a result of the rapid growth of Wi-Fi...
Hackers exploit firmware vulnerabilities on Ubiquiti Network devices
Cybercriminals who have readily identified the exposed source of many Ubiquiti Network devices, have used this programming flaw to their advantage to execute DDoS attacks and malware distruibiution.
The digital divide based on the 2015 Global IDI
According to the global ICT development index (IDI) of 167 nations, between 2010 and 2015, over 40 percent of the world’s population have gained access to some form of Internet, in spite of the digital divide worldwide.
Cloudtrax is no longer a viable software to manage your Openmesh APs. Here is what you can do next