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wifi application events

Nowadays, providing a reliable and fast Wi-Fi connection in event venues, such as convention centers, meeting venues, showrooms, fairs, trade shows and museums’ exhibition halls, is a highly valuable and highly sought-after service. Tanaza Wi-Fi is the cost-effective choice that enables network admins to satisfy the needs of Wi-Fi hungry visitors while effectively engaging them during an event, regardless of the type of venue. 

Easy internet access for guest and staff

Nobody likes to deal with complex and time-consuming login methods when accessing a Wi-Fi network. Thanks to the captive portal provided by Tanaza, users can connect to Wi-Fi hotspots at event venues through a variety of intuitive authentication methods, such as login with email, phone number, forms and social login. Tanaza Social Login allows people to authenticate through social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. In this way, visitors can access a venue’s Wi-Fi network in a simple and quick way. Furthermore, Tanaza also makes Wi-Fi access easy for exhibitors and panellists, by allowing  them as network admins, to configure up to 8 SSIDs per access point. For instance, a network admin may choose to create 2 SSIDs: one SSID with a WPA encrypted password for the exhibition staff and another SSID with social authentication for guest access. By allowing the division of your users, Tanaza guarantees a 100% secure Wi-Fi connection.  

captive portal Tanaza
Tanaza login page editor

Enhanced visitor experience

Event venues can leverage the responsive and multi-language login page featured by Tanaza to provide visitors with a complete experience. Indeed, you can add so much information on it, both through banners and videos, such as the catalog containing a museum’s exhibitions and the list of current artworks on display date, maps of fair venues and their recommended itineraries, etc. In this way, Wi-Fi turns into a powerful tool for sharing useful and interesting content with guests.

Improved data capture

Tanaza provides a user-friendly Analytics Dashboard that allows network admins to analyze in detail a wide range of useful user data collected during the authentication process, such as demographics, emails, phone numbers, interests, etc. Moreover,  event organizers can also integrate the data collected with Marketing platforms, such as Mailchimp, to create statistics and personalized marketing campaigns. For instance, a museum’s IT manager can send customised emails to inform previous visitors about forthcoming exhibitions. In this way, event organizers can effectively segment their visitors, based on their preferences and behaviors, and offer them a more personalized and high-quality service.

Tanaza social login and data capture

Enhanced social engagement

Tanaza Wi-Fi is a powerful engagement tool that helps event venues enhance their social reach. By leveraging social Wi-Fi, event venues can improve their online visibility and attract more people by asking visitors to share their positions through a Facebook Check-in or asking them to Like a Facebook page. Also, social Wi-Fi user data can be used to create Facebook custom audiences, and run powerful and targeted advertising campaigns to increase the number of Likes on a Facebook page and enhance social reach.

Unlimited scalability

Tanaza is a SaaS offering unlimited scalability to any type of deployments, from small ones using few routers to large ones counting hundreds of wireless devices. A great advantage of the Tanaza software is its flexible “pay as you go” formula, which allows connecting an unlimited number of clients without any added cost. This formula also allows predicting and managing costs and get high ROI.

Chat with a Tanaza Business Consultant about your specific needs.

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